Wednesday, January 8, 2014

60 Easy & Healthy Snack Ideas

2014 has officially begun, and with that there are a bunch of people out there who have goals to either eat healthier or lose weight (or some variation of these).
One of the things that I find most people have trouble with is healthy snacking; it's so easy to grab a granola bar (not as healthy as you think) or a bag of candy or chips rather than prepare a healthy snack.

With that being said, I thought I would provide a wonderful list that I came across the other day filled with many quick and easy healthy snack options.

Many of the snack in the list above require little or no preparation, and are more satisfying and will keep hunger at bay longer than if you were to choose junk food.

It's a simple change that you can make that will put you one step closer to your healthy living goals.

Take Care, 


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