Monday, August 12, 2013

How To Choose Running Shoes

When your running shoes are so worn out that they have holes in them, or you start getting shin splints from the lack of support in your footwear, it's safe to say that you need new running shoes. 

So you go to the mall, or your local Running Room and stand in front of a wall of running shoes. But which pair do you choose?

If you're anything like me, you usually ask for advice from the sales person while telling them about your running conditions and where you need support the most. Now you no longer need to do this (I no longer will need to do this), thanks to the following chart that walks you through how to choose the proper running shoe for you!

This chart walks you through everything from the type of shoe itself, to tips for when you first try on the shoes in the store. 

Now the guess work is lowered, if not eliminated all together! 

Take Care,


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